This is my blog
What is abuse ?
Abuse means treating another person with violence, crutelty, hate, harm , or force ,
Abuse is never OK. No matter who is doing it or even where it is happening
I had a roommate a while ago before I meet my new husband.She was using lies
to control me. I got into a situation where this woman got me to play her game. I
was scared not to play along with her. She would can my landord and tell her the
I was the one doing the same thing she did to me. This way my landlord would
think i was the trouble maker. This woman made it really hard for me to live my
life when I got back form my women's retreat! She was in the kitchen cooking
and I came home and knocked on the door so i could get in the house. She would
not let me into the house. I had to call my Landlord to come let me into my house
and into my room. I had a panicattack because my landlord told me that
if i did not find my key that it would cost $50.00 to change the locks.
While i found my key and called my Landlord and told her that my key was
in my bag. I started to open my door to use the bathroom and my roommate
came runing down the hall and I shut my door really quick she slam on the door
and said i would think twice about not talking to Scott for me. But it is two
late now your going to see it getting much worse around here. It did tell
I moved out.
Abuse is not an easy thing. It happends to the best of us. It takes a lot of our
time to try and stop the Abuse form happening. Now remember that
it's not your fault this person is hurting you no matter what they say. Do
not let them control your life.
When I was a teenager I went to youth group every wensday night. My boyfriend
at the time brought this friend of his to youth group.
this Teen would smirk and say the F word everytime Pastor would
say Jesus Christ. This next week he was doing the same thing. So I
said please do not do this. We are trying to learn. He got up and started
to throw things all over the place. Pator said lets go outside tonight. As I was
walking out the door it slamed shut and I could not open it. Pastor did but it was
slamed once again. I grab my Bible and just started to read. Finalley that teen
walked right out of the classroom and went to my boyfriends car. That day I
gave him some taps and the police said that one of them was
in the car stereo. His car and ran into a pole and he died that night.