On this website you will find information. To help you understand Abuse and how to work though it!
Hi My name is Samantha Kaiba. I am a professional life coach. I work with people that have been Abused. I work with Woman, Men, Kids and Teens. When you are being abused you do not always know it is happening. On My website You will find information to help you. lifecoachingislove@protonmail.com
The above is my email address you can send me a requst and put in subject line Abuse. I will send you a package that will give you all my info .You will fill out the questionnaire and send it back to me. I will then call you text or email you. we will then see if this is something that will work for you. If it is we will either talk over the phone or on a zoom call. I have a link with is below.
you sing up for a package!
comming soon